Do you have a lot of blog posts that need to be shared with your audiences in your social media accounts? If so, how do you usually share your blog posts? Copying and pasting your link on each social media? What a time-consuming! Why don’t you use simpler way: share your blog post at the same time you hit the “Publish” button? Is it possible?
If you are using WordPress as your blogging platform, then you can use a plugin called NextScript: Social Networks Auto-Poster (SNAP).
It is a very simple and useful plugin. After you configure it to be able to connect to your social media accounts, you are ready to publish and share your blog post. I believe that most of us are not really use 30 social media at once, but still, this awesome plugin will be really helpful to spread our blog contents to reach more readers.
The more our contents are visible in different channels, the easier it will be found by potential readers. It means that our services will be easier to be found too.
And now, how do we install and use this plugin?
It is very easy! Just log in to your WordPress dashboard, and then go to Plugins – Add New. Search for this plugin name (NextScript: Social Networks Auto-Poster), then click Install Now. Don’t forget to click Activate so you can use this plugin.

Installing SNAP.
The next steps are adding your social media accounts and configure them as needed by the plugin. The configuration process is quite time-consuming, depending on the number of social media you want to connect. Please visit the following links for detailed configuration processes:
To auto-post to Twitter, please read the manual here.
To auto-post to Facebook, please read the manual here.
To auto-post to LinkedIn, please read the manual here.
To auto-post to Google+, please read the manual here.
After configuring the channels, now you need to create a blog post. Once it is ready to be published, scroll down your WordPress screen. Under the text editor, you will find NextScript: Social Networks Auto-Poster Post Options. You can adjust them as needed. For example (Facebook configuration):

Configuring “message” to be posted on social media.
Finally, click Publish to publish your content. This plugin can also be used when scheduling option is active.