Failed to Import WorldServer Return Package to Trados?
As I mentioned in my previous post that a return package is basically a zip file, it means that a return package can be manually extracted using WinRar, Winzip, or similar apps to see the contents (which are xliff files). So, knowing that the return package contains xliff files, later, we can manually put them into SDL Trados’ project folder to update the project files.
After extracting the contents of the return package file, we will find that the file name contains language code. Example: sampletranslation.idmlid-ID.xliff, where the id-ID is the language code for Indonesian. Yours might be different, depends on the language pair you work on.
To be successfully “overwrite” the Trados’ project files, we need to remove the language code. A few files will be very easy. But how if there are 10, 20, 30, or more files? We’ll surely need an app to help us to rename them all, and I suggest to use ReNamer app that you can download from here.
Tutorial: How to use ReNamer app
Using ReNamer is very easy:
1) Launch the ReNamer and open the files

2) Set the rules: delete the language code part

As you can see, there are many categories you can choose depending on your need. In this case, we need to choose REMOVE.
3) Rename

4) Done. As easy as that!
After the language codes are removed, copy the <.xliff> files.
Open the project folder containing the <.xliff> files. Example in my PC C:\Users\Khadis\Documents\Studio 2017\Projects\Sample_Project\id-ID. Remember, id-ID is the target language folder. Yours may be different, depends on your language pair.

Paste the files from the step above into the target language folder. If Windows warns you about replacing the files, just click Yes or OK to replace the existing files. If you fail to paste, you can try to close the Trados first.