Across: The Specified Password for the SQL Server ‘sa’ User is Incorrect

(Almost) every Across users’ problem

Across problem

Across keep asking for SQL Server password

Have you ever experienced of being “rejected” to log on into your Across Personal Edition account? Did Across keep saying “The specified password for the SQL Server ‘sa’ user is incorrect” all the time after entering sa!123456 or sa123456 standard password? Many people surely have experienced this frustrating and annoying problem. Read More

Sample Translations: How and Where to Get

sample translation text

Source image: Pexels

Usually, when we are applying for a translator position in an agency, we will be asked to take a short translation test or to provide sample translation from our previous works. But unfortunately, most of us are prohibited to expose any part of the text from our previous works because we are bounded by the signed NDA.

While some professional translators think that free translation test is not relevant anymore because it seems to be humiliating their professionalism and experiences, providing sample translations is considered to be a better solution. But, where do we get text for sample translation from? Read More