Processing A Plain Bilingual Excel File for Reviewing Stage in Trados


Editing a prepared file as an xliff file is relatively easy. We only need to edit the file and send it back as a return package or target format. But, what if the file is a plain bilingual Excel file with a thousand rows, and you need to check the translation against a glossary in another Excel file?

Manually checking a translation against the glossary is very time-consuming and will possibly leaving the inconsistencies untouched.

So, how do we import the Excel files (the translated and glossary files) to CAT tools such as Trados to effectively and quickly check the translation using the built-in spellchecker, segment verifier, and terminology checker? Read More

Selecting Specific Excel Rows To Be Translated In MemoQ

Have you ever experienced the following scenario?

  1. You are using MemoQ (or a client wants you to use MemoQ);
  2. Assuming you get an Excel file contains a lot of rows. There are 2 columns there: column A is for the source text and column B is for the target text. It can also contain more than 2 columns: column A is for the source text, column B is for the target text (Arabic), column C is for target text (Italian), column D is for target text (Indonesian), etc;
  3. You want to translate specific rows because the other rows are already translated, or because you add more texts that need to be translated. You don’t want to create another Excel file that contains the new text only to be imported to MemoQ—and later, the translation is imported/copied back to the original Excel file—so you need to use the original file and select only the rows you need;
  4. How do you select those specific rows from the original file so they—those specific rows only—can be displayed in MemoQ?

Here I show you how to select the specific rows so they can be displayed in MemoQ and the other rows are hidden: Read More

Using ReNamer App To Solve “Failed To Import WorldServer Return Package” In SDL Trados

Failed to Import WorldServer Return Package to Trados?

As I mentioned in my previous post that a return package is basically a zip file, it means that a return package can be manually extracted using WinRar, Winzip, or similar apps to see the contents (which are xliff files). So, knowing that the return package contains xliff files, later, we can manually put them into SDL Trados’ project folder to update the project files.

After extracting the contents of the return package file, we will find that the file name contains language code. Example: sampletranslation.idmlid-ID.xliff, where the id-ID is the language code for Indonesian. Yours might be different, depends on the language pair you work on.

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Failed To Import “sdlrpx.wsxz” File Into SDL Trados


A few days ago, one of my colleagues asked for help from me. He got a revision job, but he couldn’t open an <sdlrpx.wsxz> file, a Worldserver return package he received from an agency he worked for. When he tried to import the file after opening the original package, he got a warning: “The translation package doesn’t contain necessary information. The package you are importing may be a return package.”

The PM had no idea how to open it. Later, he only sent the <.xliff> files so my colleague could check the translation by opening those files one by one without updating the main package.

My colleague asked me if there was any possible way to open the return package, so he could update the package and send back the file in return package format. He had tried to Googling the tricks but found no relevant information. Read More

Pengalaman Membeli Lisensi Xbench

Sekilas tentang Xbench

Xbench adalah salah satu QA tool yang menjadi andalan para penerjemah dan agensi untuk “mendampingi” CAT tool. Saya katakan “mendampingi” karena pada dasarnya setiap CAT tool sudah memiliki fitur QA. Hanya saja, fitur QA pada CAT tool biasanya tidak “semumpuni” fitur QA (misalnya) pada Xbench. Kesalahan yang tidak terdeteksi oleh CAT tool biasanya baru akan terdeteksi oleh QA tool. Read More

How to Translate <.ini> Files in SDL Trados

Last September, I got a task to translate some UI files from one of my clients based in the USA. The client said that there would be so many repetitions across the files, so I thought that the process would be super fast. Unfortunately, the client asked me to use their own developed translation tool (not strictly required, but it would be good if I used it, the client said). Read More

How to Handle EPS Files in CAT Tools

Last February, for almost 1 (one) month I took a part in a huge technical translation project that involving EPS files. EPS is one of the output files produced by Adobe Illustrator that cannot be directly processed in CAT tools such as SDL Trados. To process EPS files in SDL Trados, we will need a special plugin called “Sysfilter” that costs up to 400 USD!

Actually, I was positioned as an editor on that project. And the client’s main request to the translator team was to translate the EPS files directly in Adobe Illustrator. Unfortunately, none of the translators owned and were able to operate Adobe Illustrator. So, they would prefer to process the files in the CAT tool. Then, knowing that in the past I was learning graphic design and multimedia, the lead translator asked me to convert the EPS files into Trados-ready format.

So, what did I do so that Trados could recognize the EPS files without Sysfilter plugin? Read More

Menangani Berkas Adobe Illustrator Di CAT Tool

Selama hampir satu bulan penuh, pada bulan Februari lalu saya menangani proses penerjemahan dan revisi file EPS, di mana file EPS adalah file keluaran (output) aplikasi Adobe Illustrator yang tidak bisa secara langsung diolah di CAT tool. Agar bisa mengolah file EPS di CAT tool seperti SDL Trados, dibutuhkan plugin khusus bernama “Sysfilter” yang harganya sampai 300-an USD! Read More

Memperbarui Hasil Terjemahan Menggunakan External Review

Anda sedang menerjemahkan suatu dokumen <.docx> di sebuah CAT tool. Ketika selesai menerjemahkan, Anda ingin klien memeriksa terlebih dahulu hasil terjemahan Anda. Berhubung klien tidak menggunakan atau tidak memiliki CAT tool, maka Anda mengekspornya ke format bilingual agar bisa diimpor kembali untuk memperbarui hasil terjemahan Anda. Read More

Memulihkan File SDL yang Rusak Karena Proses Batch Find and Replace

Kita sedang menyunting satu paket file <.sdlppx> yang berisi 24 file <.sdlxliff>. Setelah melakukan QA di Xbench, ditemukan banyak ketidakkonsistenan pada segmen repetisi dan harus diseragamkan menggunakan SDL Batch Find and Replace.

Bagaimana jika proses find and replace di SDL Trados seperti pada tulisan saya yang terdahulu ternyata “merusak” file yang sedang kita kerjakan (dengan catatan bahwa opsi Create backups for changed files diaktifkan)? Read More